Fostul căpitan al echipei Steaua, Marius Baciu, a spus că îl cunoaște pe Horațiu Potra, mercenarul care se află în spatele lui Călin Georgescu. La începutul lunii decembrie, Potra a fost reținut pentru 24 de […] The post „Îşi dădeau demisia din Armată ca să vină să lucreze cu el”. Conexiunile periculoase ale fostului căpitan de la Steaua cu mercenarul Horațiu Potra appeared first on Prosport.
The main conceptual idea is the potential danger and unethical nature of a former Steaua captain's decision to leave the military and work with a known mercenary, Horațiu Potra. The phrasing "Îşi dădeau demisia din Armată ca să vină să lucreze cu el" (He was resigning from the Army to work with him) implies a deliberate and possibly risky choice motivated by personal gain or a shared objective with a questionable individual.
The text suggests a connection between the former captain and Potra that raises concerns about possible illicit activities or abuse of power. The term "conexiunile periculoase" (dangerous connections) explicitly warns the reader of the potential negative consequences stemming from this relationship.
The overall tone is one of warning and caution, hinting at hidden agendas and potential wrongdoing.
The main conceptual idea is the potential danger and unethical nature of a former Steaua captain's decision to leave the military and work with a known mercenary, Horațiu Potra. The phrasing "Îşi dădeau demisia din Armată ca să vină să lucreze cu el" (He was resigning from the Army to work with him) implies a deliberate and possibly risky choice motivated by personal gain or a shared objective with a questionable individual. The text suggests a connection between the former captain and Potra that raises concerns about possible illicit activities or abuse of power. The term "conexiunile periculoase" (dangerous connections) explicitly warns the reader of the potential negative consequences stemming from this relationship. The overall tone is one of warning and caution, hinting at hidden agendas and potential wrongdoing.